- Full payment should accompany this completed registration form; your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received and maybe subject to cancellation.
- Fees includes conference access, copy of the presentation and digital certificates.
- Access link will be send by the organizer upon receipt of the full payment.
- Access link to the conference is unique and must not be shared toanyone.
- Cancellations in writing before 28 March 2022 will be refunded, less a 30% administrative charge for paid and 40% for unpaid cancellations.
- No Cancellation or refund will be allowed after 28 March 2022. If you are unable to attend, you may send a SUBSTITUTE by sending the organizer an official written notice at least 14days prior the event and with full details of the substitute participant/s.
- Please note that speakers, topic, session schedules were confirmed at the time of publishing; however, in the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the organizers, Enderun Conferences reserves the right to alter or modify the program schedule, topic and speakers if necessary.
- To request for updated program, please email: conferences@enderuncolleges.com